Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ch 2 - What Really Matters In Teaching? (The Students)

The primary concern of the effective teacher is adjusting curriculum to fit the learner. “What we want students to know, to understand, and be able to do?” is the question the teacher must ask themselves constantly. How can we adapt the subject matter to ensure that each learner grasps the main ideas or is challenged appropriately? We as people are as varied and unique as our fingerprints, and just as extensive in detail. In some respects most students are similar, many are looking to define themselves and their lives; they are trying to find their identity, their purpose, and their place in the universe.
Responsive teaching is the ability to augment understanding of the subject matter and how it is perceived while adapting methods to maximize comprehension. When adapting the classroom environment it is important to attend to the teacher-student relationships, the learning environment, student’s backgrounds, student readiness, student interest, and student learning profiles. By recognizing the various aspects of the learning environment that have an impact on how well the content can be absorbed, the teacher will be able to maximize the potential for learning.
“Differentiation does not advocate individualization” is a vital distinction to note here. To help prevent individualization from occurring; the teacher can try a variety of tools, which include but are not limited to: allow working alone or with peers, using clear rubrics that coach for quality, and incorporate small-group teaching into daily or weekly teaching.
The best teachers never stop being students. The most responsive teachers are constantly studying their subject area to maintain proficiency, observing their students to find strengths and weaknesses, and continually question their lesson plans and curriculum to ensure adaptability.

How did I connect with the reading, reflection on my thoughts on the chapter?
This chapter emphasized the learner and the wide variety of influences there are on the students learning environment. As a current student I found it refreshing to know I am not alone in the feeling that sometimes a class does not fit me at all and even though the subject is not too hard for me, I have difficulty learning in the environment. As a future educator I believe it is important to never forget that we are all students of the world first and foremost. I truly believe the final paraphrased statement of the abstract:

“The best teachers never stop being students. The most responsive teachers are constantly studying their subject area to maintain proficiency, observing their students to find strengths and weaknesses, and continually question their lesson plans and curriculum to ensure adaptability.”

The value of an adaptable curriculum is priceless. The teacher has so much stress and mountains of duties already that sometimes adapting a curriculum constantly may be very daunting. However, if you make various tools available as well as the varied levels when creating the curriculum the likelihood that the teacher will be able to adapt is much higher.

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