Thursday, October 4, 2007

Ch 1 - UBD and DI: An Essential Partnership

There are multiple important aspects to being an educator. It is much more than knowing how to teach or knowing the content area. The best curriculum in the universe would not matter if the teacher does not know how to teach a varied classroom. Students are varied even if they all have an identical skill level; each student is a unique individual and learns in slightly different ways. The same idea applies to the opposite; the best teacher in the world will not make any headway if they don’t have an effective curriculum. These two ideas go hand in hand to make the classroom successful for the students.
The first idea is to strengthen student understanding of the units main ideas. Students are multifaceted in their learning processes and levels of absorption of the topic; they require a plethora of tools within their reach to assist those who need it.
The second idea is to apply the unit’s ideas to a familiar context. By making this connection the student is more able to make the “real world” connection to help cement understanding.
The Third idea states that all learners grasp the unit’s essential knowledge. Students who struggle are given the tools and methods of instruction to best assist them in clarity, while more advanced students are given different levels of challenge to strengthen their comprehension of the discipline as a whole.
The fourth idea is to regularly assess the pace and levels of understanding of the content. By doing regular testing, the teacher can acknowledge any gaps in understanding before it is too late to adapt the unit to fill in the gap.
The fifth idea identifies the six facets of understanding used in the backward design model of curriculum to aid the teacher in preparing lesson plans or units that will have the greatest impact on the students’ level of comprehension.
The sixth idea reinforces the value of the team approach to curriculum design and review by educators of similar content areas. By reviewing curriculum on a regular basis with colleagues as well as specialists in the learning process, teachers are able to adapt and evolve their units to fit each new class.
The seventh and final idea reiterates that Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design are tools to assist the teacher in creating the best learning environment possible for each class and topic.

How did I connect with the reading, reflection on my thoughts on the chapter?
I found this chapter of Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design to be very easy to read. It truly connected the ideas of the how and why seamlessly; as well as putting each main idea in the context of a classroom to help the reader picture how the ideas may be implemented.
I felt that the chapter made several excellent points on making sure that each unit is varied to fit the multiple levels of learning in each classroom. It went on to talk about how each idea is a tool by which each teacher will be able to reach their full potential impact on the education of their students. By being flexible and adaptable we are able to “go with the flow” and change as events, situations, and the world warrants.

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